Who We Are

Established in 2003, we’re an independent booking agency, offering completely impartial advice. Collectively our expert hotel agents have decades of experience, extensive industry contacts and first-hand knowledge of hotels and destinations in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

You’ll find us friendly, efficient and reliable!

We work to very high standards, with amazing attention to detail – our comprehensive accommodation proposals include essential information such as location, proximity to a given postcode, hotel features, nightly rate breakdown and cancellation and payment terms; all to help you select the right property at the right price.

To complement our team’s unrivalled know-how and expertise, we invest in the latest industry systems to source and securely process our bookings – so we can offer a highly efficient service, and you can book your accommodation with us in total confidence and completely stress-free.

Our growing list of regular (and very satisfied!) clients includes large multi-nationals, medium-sized companies and small businesses; across a variety of industries. Each has very different needs when it comes to their accommodation and our team works closely with them to offer personalised solutions.

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[email protected]
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0044 (0)1423 880 909

Looking to book a hotel?

Please fill out our form with details...

Firstly, a bit about you. What's your full name?

Which company do you work for, and what’s your company address?

Which of these are you looking to organise?


Tell us about your enquiry (e.g. stay dates, location, room numbers etc.)

Finally, we need your contact details so we can get back to you. What’s your email address?

... and the best number to reach you on?

Thanks, please click ‘submit’ and one of the team will be in touch shortly.